10 Services Available at a Skin Clinic
Skin clinics offer a range of skin health services, some designed to deal with certain skin conditions or health concerns and others simply cosmetic.

There are many different reasons why a person may choose to visit a skin clinic such as luxe skin Glasgow, reflected in the number of different services that such a clinic offers.

The variety of dermatology and cosmetic services available will vary depending on the clinic in question but there are a certain number that almost every facility will offer.

skin clinic
Here are 10 of the most popular skin clinic services available:


Botox is one of the most common cosmetic treatments in the world and will be available at pretty much every skin clinic in the UK. Botox is comprised of a toxin that immobilises certain muscles in the face and prevents movement that results in wrinkles and other fine lines in the face.

Scar Removal

Skin clinics will often assist those recovering from accidents or surgery by reducing or eliminating the appearance of scarring. Scars that a skin clinic can assist with include acne scars, surgical scars and stretch marks.

Chemical peels

Chemical peels are mild acids that remove one or more layers of skin from the face and reveal a fresh, blemish free one beneath. This is not as scary as it sounds and is a remarkable safe skin treatment with few possible side effects.

Excessive sweating reduction

Excessive sweating is a concern of many across the UK and can have incredibly frustrating social and comfort implications. Botox is mainly used for cosmetic purposes but is also incredibly effective for tackling excessive sweating, blocking nerve signals that cause sweat glands to activate.


Both surgical and non-surgical facelifts are popular skin clinic treatments. Bear in mind that some clinics will specialise in non-surgical cosmetic treatments only. A non-surgical face-lift involves the insertion of threats into the forehead and upper cheek area that will pull the skin tight and leave skin looking smoother and more youthful.

Mole Removal

Skin care professionals will often be able to remove moles or other skin legions. This can be part of precautions taken against potentially cancerous marks or simply for cosmetic purposes.

Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers are some of the most flexible and adaptable of all the cosmetic treatments on this list. They can be injected into the cheeks or lips to add volume and to restore some of the fullness and smoothness of youth.

Allergy testing

Certain skin clinics will offer a bespoke allergy testing service that helps diagnose and treat many different skin conditions. Once conditions have been identified, clinics will then work with the patient to help manage it in the long term.

Cosmetic consultations

Before any procedure is carried out, a consultation will be conducted to identify the best possible treatment to help resolve the skin concerns or conditions of the client.

Acne Treatment

Acne is a constant frustration for millions of people across the globe. Skin clinics offer a number of treatments that will help alleviate symptoms, remove scars, and reduce the severity of breakouts.