A Guide to Pest Proofing Your Home in the Winter

As the nights draw in and the thermometer slower drops lower and lower the warmth and comfort of our homes becomes more and more attractive.

We all tend to spend a bit more time indoors during the winter months, and we aren’t alone.

The cold sends many different pests scuttling for cover and our homes, full of warmth and food are as attractive to them as they are to us.

To prevent the health concerns that pests can bring from threatening your family, you need to pest proof your home, and this blog is the only guide you need to doing just that.

Here are some top tips for pest-proofing your property for the winter to come.

Seal cracks, gaps, and holes

Stopping pests from accessing your home in the first place is always the dream scenario and by sealing up any small gaps and holes they may use, you will make your property far less likely to be targeted.

Even better the fewer gaps in the exterior of your property the more effective your insulation will be and the more energy efficient your home will be.

Take these steps and you will not only enjoy a pest free winter but will also save yourself some money on your energy bills.

Caulking and sealing are good options for sealing small gaps, whilst steel wool can also be used a as temporary measure, being one of the few substances that rodents such as rats and mice cannot chew their way through.

Tidy your home

Waiting until the spring to conduct your ‘spring cleaning’ might be tempting, but conducting a full deep clean of your home before the winter comes could actually be the better option.

During the Autumn, the area outside your home is particularly susceptible to clutter, with leaves, mulch, and other debris building up rapidly.

These provide a source or food, shelter, and unlimited hiding spots for certain pests so make sure to keep your garden just as clean as the rest of your property.

Keep an eye out for pest activity

The sooner you spot signs of pest activity, the sooner you can call a professional pest control Southport expert and resolve the issue.

Watch out for signs of pest activity such as droppings or gnaw marks on materials around your home and take action the moment an issue is detected.

If you ignore signs of pest activity the issue will only get much worse as most pests breed extremely quickly and can do a tremendous amount of damage.

Keep food stored safely

Open food containers or even crumbs and leftovers are like a magnet to pests and will give them everything they could possibly need to live and thrive in your property. Keep your kitchen and dining space as clean as possible and clear away used dishes as soon as you have finished your food. Use airtight plastic containers to store food whenever possible to prevent odours and stop pests from easily finding sustenance.